If you wanted a Poppy Collection, ask Jim
If you want a Poppy wreath, ask Jim
If you wanted a boot sale organised, ask Jim
If you wanted a meal organised, ask Jim
If wanted a trip out organised, ask Jim
If you wanted the Church decorated with Poppies, ask Jim
If you need to know something about the Legion, ask Jim
In fact I don't think even Jim knew exactly what he did or knew about the Legion!
And finally if you want a new Legion member, ask Jim, he will soon have you under his spell
November 2018, I had popped round to some friends at Roydon, and while passing the church, there was two guys decorating the Church Railings with Poppies, so I stopped to say hello and to basically be nosey, to find out why the Church was being decorated that way for Remembrance?
These two guy s turned out to be Jim and Mike our standard bearer.
Jim asked why I was interested, so explained about my Parents part in the war and my Families various World War 2 losses, so he asked was I a legion Member.
I said no as I had not `Served`, No problem said Jim (and that was the first thing I learnt from Jim), give me your address and I will drop a membership form round, he did not let the grass grow under his feet, next day Jim and form arrived on my doorstep, and as they say the rest is History, and by November 2019, I am one of the guys helping to decorating the Church!!
The Legion motto is Service not Self, well that sums up Jim.
Finally, I have lost a great Friend and Adviser, and sadly I can no longer, Ask Jim.
19th September 2021